
Antony and the Ohnos

We went to go see the Antony & the Ohnos performance at Sogetsu Hall last night.

My expectations were pretty high. The convergence of Antony; the butoh dancers Kazuo Ohno (who is 103-years-old and only appeared in video form) and his son Yoshito Ohno; and Sogetsu Hall, where some of the most important avant-garde artists of the 1960s, including Yoko Ono, Takehisa Kosugi, Teiji Ito, Merce Cunningham and John Cage have performed, sounded like a once in a lifetime event.

Our seats were on the stage, behind the piano, which meant we didn't see the show as it was meant to be seen. Instead, we were treated to what I thought were moments of intense intimacy, afforded by our proximity to the performers. I watched Antony as he smilingly watched the projected images of Kazuo Ohno sucking on a pig's nipple. I also saw quivers in Yoshito Ohno's body and how he continued to dance off stage, out of the audience's sight.

By the time Antony performed "Hope There's Someone" as his encore, I was nearly in tears.

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