Hello All
I would like to have a charity auction for the recent and ongoing disaster in Japan.
It was and continues to be a truly horrifying disaster–really sad & scary. The Tohoku region, and even Tokyo continues to sway from residual quakes.
I have been feeling as if I can't do anything to help out here in Tokyo. I’ve been limited to watching the news and looking at Twitter and Facebook for news updates. In all honesty, this is too much disaster for me.
Prayers and thoughts are good, but to directly help the disaster areas, I think cash donations will work best and I need your help.
During the worst of the earthquake and for two days afterwards, neither cell phones nor landlines worked, leaving many to rely on the Internet and smart phones, which were most helpful for using Twitter to communicate...
So, for this charity auction, we will be selling 'wallpapers' for computers and cell phones rather than traditional fine art media.
We will hold the auction at Cultivate, where my illustration exhibition is being shown.
An additional auction will be held on the Cultivate website
after the live event with new images.
Auction will start at 3:00pm on March 19th, 2011 at Cultivate in Tokyo.
Also, will be Ustream on the here< http://bit.ly/vincentradioust >
support by Vincent Radio
I sincerely hope you can make it!
Thank you!
Hanayo/ Tenko/Aki Goto/Nick Relph/Brian Degraw (GANG GANG DANCE)/Zoren Gold & Minori (MI-ZO)/Tomoo Gokita/ Hitoshi Odajima/ Kentaro Minoura/ Shintaro Sakamoto (ex.Yura Yura Teikoku)/Will Sweeney (ZONGAMIN)/Susumu Mukai (ZONGAMIN)/LET DOWN
All proceeds will be donated to the Japan Red Cross Society